Friday, June 25, 2010

Urban Outfitters develops mobile POS system

Urban Outfitters has announced the development of a mobile POS system using iPod touch. The app will be platform/OS-independent and integrate with inventory management systems to increase store efficiency and reduce costs. It's like the Apple store only better (given the amount of product).

This will decentralize the transaction, provide new marketing opportunities and personalize the service experience. So you like that Hurley shirt you saw in Nylon? Let's check for other colors, match it with some Bullhead jeans, find a store with in-stocks, and pre-pay...right here and now.

Mobile is the true glue between platforms, and certainly something to think about for PacSun. US retailers have been slow on the uptake with retail technology, but I imagine that will change rapidly in the years ahead.

1 comment:

  1. This is especially interesting in light of the Online Style Journal. Many of the participants mentioned more registers and more cashiers as they described their "ideal" store, citing long lines as the worst part of their shopping experience.
